Global Leadership Coach for women in male-dominated workplaces (STEM)
DR Patience Mpofu’s ACHIEVEMENTS
Patience has turned these challenges into grit and ambition, propelling her career from lead metallurgist to senior roles across disciplines. She is an accomplished sustainable development strategist with more than 25 years’ experience working in the mining and metals industry. Prior to founding her businesses, she was Vice President Corporate Affairs Africa of a global Australian mining company. Using her experiences and relationships in these high-level roles, she works towards closing gender gaps in the hope of achieving the United Nations for Sustainable Development Agenda goal 5 by 2030.
In 2017, Patience was invited by the United Nations Under Secretary General and Executive Director of UN Women to be a member of the UN Women Global Innovation and Coalition for Change (GICC) (2017–2019), focused on accelerating and removing barriers to the advancement of women and girls in STEM. In 2019, Patience was the winner of both the CEO Most Influential Woman in Mining in Business and Government in South Africa and southern Africa. In 2020, she was again awarded the CEO Global Most Influential Woman in Government and Business in the mining sector for Africa. Patience has spoken at key global events such as the Mining Indaba, where she launched the first Women in Mining luncheon in 2017, attracting industry influencers and keynote speakers including the Minister for Women in the Presidency and Senator for Western Australia. She was also a panellist at this luncheon, discussing challenges of diversity and inclusion in mining. She is passionate about diversity, equity and inclusion in the mining industry and helping women navigate the often-complex mining work environment to advance in their professions.

Mining Expert
Its Sustainability (ESG) Mining Thought Leader. G100 Global Chair Sustainable Mining (ESG)

IWF Legacy Project
- Unleashing My Superpowers Global Women in STEM Campaign
- CEO GLobal Most Influential Woman in Mining Awards in Africa

IWF Fellows Program
- Miami Conference Launch
- Vice President Corporate Affairs and Sustainability (AFRICA): Global Australian Mining company
- Member of the GICC UN Women in New York
- Global Speaker on Sustainability at the Mining Indaba

- Insead Advanced Management Program

- 2 PhD Best Student award and CSIRO Best Presenter award Australia
- Anglo American/ UNiversity of South Australia PhD Scholarship. Working on an Australian Mineral Industry Research Association (AMIRA) P523 Project Sponsored by 10 Mining Companies
No 1 International Best Selling Author
- 6 months 2021 (G100 Global Chair Sustainable Mining (ESG)
- IWF Australia Member

IWF Fellows
- Tony Robbins: Mastery Universit
- CEO Global Most influential Woman in Mining in South Africa
- CEO Global Most Influential Woman in Mining IN Southern Africa Awards
- IWF Fellow Program: Harvard

- International experience from Mine to Market working for Global companies, Anglo American, Lonmin Plc and South32
- Organised and Led a Global Women in Mining Luncheon to discuss Diversity and Inclusion with 300 Influential C-Suite corporate Thought Leaders and Government Officials
- Global Speaker on sustainable water retreatment in mining: International Mineral Processing Congress Cape Town South Africa
- Brazil: International Colloids and Surface Conference: Global Speaker
- PhD Award with 10 Peer Reviewed International Published papers on Sustainability in Mining

- Best Entrepreneurship Award for MBA student at Wits Busines School

Patience holds an Advanced Management Program from INSEAD and an MBA from Wits Business School. She has published over 10 peer-reviewed international papers and presentations on sustainability in reducing water consumption in the mining industry.